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  5. Gravity For Mars

Did you know that without gravity, we would fall right off of Earth’s surface and float away?

Or that gravity is the reason a ball comes back down when you throw it into the air, instead of just traveling higher and higher?

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What exactly is this mysterious force of nature? Keep reading to find out!

What is gravity?

Gravity is a force of attraction that pulls together all matter (anything you can physically touch).The more matter something has, the greater the force of its gravity.

That means really big objects like planets and stars have a stronger gravitational pull.

The gravitational pull of an object depends on how massive it is and how close it is to the other object.

For example, the Sun has much more gravity than Earth, but we stay on Earth’s surface instead of being pulled to the Sun because we are much closer to Earth.

Who discovered gravity?

For a long time, scientists knew that there was some mysterious force that keeps us on the surface of the Earth.

It wasn’t until 1666 that Isaac Newton first mathematically described the force of gravity, creating Newton’s laws of universal gravitation.

It is said that his ideas about gravity were inspired by watching an apple fall from a tree. Newton wondered what force made the apple fall downward instead of simply floating away.

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Another scientist you may have heard of, Albert Einstein, later added to Newton’s ideas about gravity with his theory of relativity.


Why is gravity important?

We already mentioned that we wouldn’t be able to stay put on Earth’s surface without gravity. Objects would simply float away if gravity didn’t exist.

Gravity is also the force that keeps the Earth in orbit around the Sun, as well as helping other planets remain in orbit.

And did you know that weight is based on gravity? Weight is actually the measurement of the force of gravity pulling on an object.

For example, your weight on Earth is how hard gravity is pulling you toward Earth’s surface.

If you traveled to other planets, you would weigh more or less depending on if those planets have more or less gravity than Earth.

Since gravity is related to mass, you know that you would weigh less on smaller planets and more on larger planets.

Facts about Gravity

High and low tides in the ocean are caused by the moon’s gravity.

The moon’s gravity is 1/6 of Earth’s gravity, so objects on the moon will weigh only 1/6 of their weight on Earth.

So if you weigh 80 pounds (36 kilograms) here on Earth, you would weigh about 13 pounds (six kilograms) on the moon!

There is zero gravity in outer space, so you would be weightless if you were floating out in space!

In physics, weight is described as a force and can also be measured in Newtons. Guess who this unit of measurement is named after? That’s right—Isaac Newton, the scientist who discovered gravity.

Objects weigh a little bit more at sea level than they do on the top of a mountain.

This is because the more distance you put between yourself and Earth’s mass, the less gravitational force Earth exerts on you.

So the higher you go, the less gravity pulls on you, and the less you weigh. However, the difference is very small and barely noticeable.

If you wanted to escape Earth’s gravitational pull, you would have to travel seven miles (about 11 kilometers) per second.

This number is called Earth’s “escape velocity.” To travel that fast, you would have to be a superhero!

Even if two objects are different weights, the force of gravity will make them travel at the same speed.

For example, if you dropped balls that were the same size but different weights out of the same second-story window, they would both hit the ground at the same time.

Gravity even helps guide the growth of plants!

Now you know gravity is a major force in the universe. It keeps us from floating away, controls the ocean’s tides, guides plant growth, keeps Earth and other planets in orbit, and more!

Newton discovered the relationship between the motion of the Moon and the motion of a body falling freely on Earth. By his dynamical and gravitational theories, he explained Kepler’s laws and established the modern quantitative science of gravitation. Newton assumed the existence of an attractive force between all massive bodies, one that does not require bodily contact and that acts at a distance. By invoking his law of inertia (bodies not acted upon by a force move at constant speed in a straight line), Newton concluded that a force exerted by Earth on the Moon is needed to keep it in a circular motion about Earth rather than moving in a straight line. He realized that this force could be, at long range, the same as the force with which Earth pulls objects on its surface downward. When Newton discovered that the acceleration of the Moon is 1/3,600 smaller than the acceleration at the surface of Earth, he related the number 3,600 to the square of the radius of Earth. He calculated that the circular orbital motion of radius R and period T requires a constant inward acceleration A equal to the product of 4π2 and the ratio of the radius to the square of the time:

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The Moon’s orbit has a radius of about 384,000 km (239,000 miles; approximately 60 Earth radii), and its period is 27.3 days (its synodic period, or period measured in terms of lunar phases, is about 29.5 days). Newton found the Moon’s inward acceleration in its orbit to be 0.0027 metre per second per second, the same as (1/60)2 of the acceleration of a falling object at the surface of Earth.

In Newton’s theory every least particle of matter attracts every other particle gravitationally, and on that basis he showed that the attraction of a finite body with spherical symmetry is the same as that of the whole mass at the centre of the body. More generally, the attraction of any body at a sufficiently great distance is equal to that of the whole mass at the centre of mass. He could thus relate the two accelerations, that of the Moon and that of a body falling freely on Earth, to a common interaction, a gravitational force between bodies that diminishes as the inverse square of the distance between them. Thus, if the distance between the bodies is doubled, the force on them is reduced to a fourth of the original.

Newton saw that the gravitational force between bodies must depend on the masses of the bodies. Since a body of mass M experiencing a force F accelerates at a rate F/M, a force of gravity proportional to M would be consistent with Galileo’s observation that all bodies accelerate under gravity toward Earth at the same rate, a fact that Newton also tested experimentally. In Newton’s equation F12 is the magnitude of the gravitational force acting between masses M1 and M2 separated by distance r12. The force equals the product of these masses and of G, a universal constant, divided by the square of the distance.

The constant G is a quantity with the physical dimensions (length)3/(mass)(time)2; its numerical value depends on the physical units of length, mass, and time used. (G is discussed more fully in subsequent sections.)

The force acts in the direction of the line joining the two bodies and so is represented naturally as a vector, F. If r is the vector separation of the bodies, then In this expression the factor r/r3 acts in the direction of r and is numerically equal to 1/r2.

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The attractive force of a number of bodies of masses M1 on a body of mass M is where Σ1 means that the forces because of all the attracting bodies must be added together vectorially. This is Newton’s gravitational law essentially in its original form. A simpler expression, equation (5), gives the surface acceleration on Earth. Setting a mass equal to Earth’s mass ME and the distance equal to Earth’s radius rE, the downward acceleration of a body at the surface g is equal to the product of the universal gravitational constant and the mass of Earth divided by the square of the radius:

Weight and mass

The weight W of a body can be measured by the equal and opposite force necessary to prevent the downward acceleration; that is Mg. The same body placed on the surface of the Moon has the same mass, but, as the Moon has a mass of about 1/81 times that of Earth and a radius of just 0.27 that of Earth, the body on the lunar surface has a weight of only 1/6 its Earth weight, as the Apollo program astronauts demonstrated. Passengers and instruments in orbiting satellites are in free fall. They experience weightless conditions even though their masses remain the same as on Earth.

Equations (1) and (2) can be used to derive Kepler’s third law for the case of circular planetary orbits. By using the expression for the acceleration A in equation (1) for the force of gravity for the planetGMPMS/R2 divided by the planet’s mass MP, the following equation, in which MS is the mass of the Sun, is obtained:

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Kepler’s very important second law depends only on the fact that the force between two bodies is along the line joining them.

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Newton was thus able to show that all three of Kepler’s observationally derived laws follow mathematically from the assumption of his own laws of motion and gravity. In all observations of the motion of a celestial body, only the product of G and the mass can be found. Newton first estimated the magnitude of G by assuming Earth’s average mass density to be about 5.5 times that of water (somewhat greater than Earth’s surface rock density) and by calculating Earth’s mass from this. Then, taking ME and rE as Earth’s mass and radius, respectively, the value of G was which numerically comes close to the accepted value of 6.6726 × 10−11 m3 s−2 kg−1, first directly measured by Henry Cavendish.

Comparing equation (5) for Earth’s surface acceleration g with the R3/T2 ratio for the planets, a formula for the ratio of the Sun’s mass MS to Earth’s mass ME was obtained in terms of known quantities, RE being the radius of Earth’s orbit:

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The motions of the moons of Jupiter (discovered by Galileo) around Jupiter obey Kepler’s laws just as the planets do around the Sun. Thus, Newton calculated that Jupiter, with a radius 11 times larger than Earth’s, was 318 times more massive than Earth but only 1/4 as dense.