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If you're new to programming (or new to programming in a particular language) you might be looking for an IDE — that's an integrated development environment, the handy, dandy piece of software that acts as text editor, debugger and compiler all in one sometimes-bloated but generally useful package.

Work Faster with a Smart Editor. Produce high-quality code more efficiently, thanks to first-class. Code faster with the IDE for today’s web languages – Python, PHP, Perl, Golang, Ruby and more. For Windows, Mac and Linux. Komodo IDE is now free as part of the ActiveState Platform. View All Features of Komodo IDE What’s New in Komodo 12. Aptana is one of the most well-known and most powerful open source web development. Redcar is quite good IDE written in Ruby and runs on JRuby, Redcar supports Textmate themes and snippets, Redcar is licensed under the GPL and the source is available on Github. Arcadia is a Light Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Ruby written in Ruby.

Unless you're committed to working in a text editor and a command prompt window (and there are compelling reasons for doing exactly that) you might be looking for some advice on how to choose a good IDE, the pros and cons of various varieties, the relative costs (financial or system resources) of running a particular IDE, what other languages the IDE might handle well, the operating system(s) it runs on and ever so much more.

I was recently in need of such advice, myself. As some of the readers of this blog know, I recently went back to school to study computer science. Being an utter novice, I made the mistake of asking developers in my sphere what IDE I should use.

The topic is apparently a minefield of catastrophic proportions. Developers are passionate, experienced and opinionated when it comes to optimizing their workflows, and recommendations (and anti-recommendations, e.g., 'NetBeans is superlatively bad and will turn your hardware into Cream O' Wheat!') fly like shells over a battlefield.

Here's a less opinionated, concise but thorough look at IDEs for the new programmer. If you need more detailed information or want to find an IDE for a less common programming language, check out the Wikipedia article comparing just about every IDE known to humankind.

And if we left out an IDE you particularly love, let us know about it in the comments — but try to keep the NetBeans/Eclipse, Vim/Emacs flamewars to a minimum.

IDEs Built from Text Editors

It's a slightly more complicated setup, but some pro developers swear by these workflows, which take a lightweight, run-of-the-mill text editor and turn it into a full-fledged, be-all-end-all IDE.

Ars Technica has an excellent step-by-step article on how to turn Vim into a great IDE using Exuberant Ctags, completion modules, script collections and more.

Emacs users can also use commands to make this editor more developer-friendly. And of course, this topic gets a thorough discussion at StackOverflow.

When in doubt, search Google for tips on turning your favorite text editor into a great IDE for your language of choice. Chances are someone, somewhere has already attempted it and is willing to hand out advice.

Multi-Language IDEs

As a beginning programmer, you might not need tools for coding in Ruby and Python and C++ and PHP, but if you're aiming for a multi-language career later on, you might consider learning the ropes of a multi-language IDE.

One kind gent (or lady) on Hacker News wrote, 'Although many IDEs can handle more than one language, few do it well. Plus, it's likely overkill if you are just getting started.' This individual suggested instead using a simple text editor such as gEdit (Linux) or TextMate (Mac) for multi-language practice.


Languages: C, C++, Python, Perl, PHP, Java, Ruby and more Price: FREE

Eclipse is the free and open-source editor upon which many development frameworks are based. It's one of the granddaddies in its field and comes highly recommended by many a professional developer. Eclipse began as a Java development environment and has greatly expanded through a system of lightweight plugins.


Languages: Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, C, C++ and more Price: FREE


NetBeans is neck-and-neck with Eclipse as the most-recommended IDE in this category. It's free and open-source, supports tons of languages with more plugins coming all the time, and is incredibly simple to install and use, even for a beginner.


Languages: Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript and more Price: $295

This enterprise-level tool might be best for the pro developer because of its higher price point. For beginners, you might also want to check out the Komodo-based, FOSS editor Open Komodo or Komodo's FOSS version, Komodo Edit.


Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX and others via plugins Price: FREE

Aptana is a popular choice for web app development. Aptana Studio 2 can be used as a stand-alone IDE or can be plugged into Eclipse. Aptana comes with Firebug support built-in, and its developer community seems to release plugins for other languages as needed.


Languages: Python and Ruby Price: $59.99 (personal developer license)

This IDE is designed for Python and Ruby devs creating apps for Windows and Linux. It includes a text editor as well as a GUI designer that uses pyQT and QT Designer. The makers of BlackAdder allow you to test drive the IDE in a limited demo version.


Languages: C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, Pascal and a boatload more Price: FREE

Geany bills itself as a 'small and fast' IDE, but it is by no means a lightweight. Its list of supported languages is about a block long; it's highly customizable; and it features a robust set of plugins which is open for hacking.

Here's a chart showing the differences and similarities between a few multi-language IDEs. An asterisk denotes the need to use a third-party or other plugin to achieve the desired functionality. The .NET column indicates support for .NET languages, particularly C#. 'FOSS' is the acronym for 'free and open-source.' Click the image to see a slightly larger version.

IDEs for Mobile Development

These days, developing mobile applications is one of the most compelling and exciting reasons for learning how to code. We're still looking for that perfect, all-in-one, cross-platform mobile app IDE — in fact, we particularly welcome your comments and suggestions on this score — but here are a few ideas to get you started.

Try some of PhoneGap's cross-platform tools. PhoneGap works with Xcode and Eclipse for iPhone and Android, respectively. You could also try the web-based, hosted RhoHub, which allows for git-powered source control and team collaboration.

Another good bet for mobile developers is Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile, which lets you write in any language/IDE you choose, then translates your code to Objective-C or Java. You can also check out our list of cross-platform mobile development tools. Finally, the mobile development products (and resultant applications) from Adobe are getting more interesting all the time — we highly recommend keeping an eye on their developer tools.

Also, if you're already using a multi-language or other IDE, check the web to see if a mobile-development plugin already exists; many IDEs such as Eclipse have this functionality.

Web-Based IDEs

If you're working remotely or need a last-minute fix, these IDEs might be worth looking into.


Languages: ASP.NET, PHP, Ajax, C#, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and more Price: FREE

This broswer-based IDE works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and even good old Internet Explorer. Like the more robust multi-language IDEs, CodeRun supports Visual Studio projects and .NET languages. Best of all, your code is sharable via hyperlinks; it's even got built-in social sharing tools, should you want to tweet your code.


Languages: PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript Price: FREE

ShiftEdit brings revision history and code snippets to the browser. Any files you access will stored until next time you log in. This IDE's text editor is based on Mozilla's Bespin (mentioned below).

If you need a collaborative, web-based code editor — great when working on joint projects or as part of a team — you might also want to check out Squad. And for HTML5-based code editing, try Mozilla's SkyWriter, formerly codenamed Bespin.

IDEs for Microsoft/.NET/C# and Apple/iPhone/Mac Devs

Some languages require a bit of special handling; not all multi-language IDEs support all languages, and if you're working with the Cocoa API, for example, or with a .NET framework language, you might want to consider something more specifically suited to a Microsoft or Apple development environment.

Another part of this category includes single-platform IDEs such as Coda and Espresso. They only run on Mac Operating Systems, but they allow for multi-language development within a very Apple-flavored GUI.

Visual Studio

Languages: Visual C++, VB.NET, C#, F# and others Price: $549

Visual Studio is Microsoft's IDE. If you're building Silverlight apps or planning on working in a .NET shop (such as MySpace), you may want to spend some time with Visual Studio. Visual Basic has some support for non-Microsoft languages such as Python and Ruby, but you'll have to install those services yourself. A free, limited-time trial version is available.


Languages: Objective-C, Objective-C 2, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch APIs Price: FREE

This IDE is just for creating iOS and Mac apps. If you're thinking along Apple-y lines and want to get into iPhone or iPad development, Xcode might be your first stop. This IDE includes an iPhone simulator and GUI builder, too.


Languages: C/C++, Visual Basic, C# and other .NET languages Price: FREE

Monodevelop is a good option if you're working in a .NET languages and don't want (or need) to fork over the $550 for Visual Studio. This free-as-in-beer IDE also allows you to port your apps to Linux while maintaining a single codebase.


Languages: HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript and PHP Price: $79.95

Espresso, a tool for Mac web devs, comes from the makers of CSSEdit. Its supported languages and other features are extensible through plugins known as 'Sugars.'


Languages: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, AppleScript and Cocoa API Price: $99

Coda bills itself as 'one-window development' for the Mac user, and its a favorite of many developers on this platform. It's a full-featured IDE, but one of its most interesting features is live collaboration with other users.

It's not delirium tremens; it's just an elePHPant.

IDEs for Specific Languages

Here are a few suggestions for IDEs that cater to developers working in a single language. Some of these options are more costly than others, but most of the non-free IDEs here will also have a free trial version available for you to test-drive the software, learn to use it and decide whether or not you need and want its features and interface.

We only have space to highlight a few of the more popular programming languages here. If we left your preferred language out of this list, search StackOverflow for IDE recommendations, or ping the friendly devs over at Hacker News for their advice.


C/C++ languages are some of the most widely used in the world of computer programming. Almost every multi-language IDE will support C/C++, but here are some dedicated IDEs just for C programmers.

Bloodshed Dev-C++Price: FREE

Code::BlocksPrice: FREE

CodeLitePrice: FREE

Ide For Ruby On Mac Mojave

C-FreePrice: $79.95 (single-user license)


Yeah, yeah, I've heard about how much Java sucks more times than I can recall. But it's used in the Android stack as well as in a lot of intro-level programming courses, so here's a lineup of good Java IDEs.

JikesPrice: FREE

JcreatorPrice: $89 (single-user license)

IntelliJ IDEAPrice: FREE


Never mind the fu and bar, here's some spam and eggs. If you got that reference, you might want to check out these links. Here are a few IDEs dedicated to Python, a powerful, readable and fascinating language. For more suggestions and comparison information, check out this exhaustive StackOverflow list of Python IDEs.

IdlePrice: FREE

PyCharmPrice: $49 (personal license)

PidaPrice: FREE

WingPrice: $35 (personal license, single OS)

PyscripterPrice: FREE


PHP powers some of the most ubiquitous web apps around today, from WordPress to Facebook. Many of the free multi-language IDEs also support PHP development. Here are some full-featured, pro IDEs we've seen recommended.

PHPStormPrice: $99 (personal license)

PhpEDPrice: $119

Zend StudioPrice: $399

PHP DesignerPrice: $45 (personal license)


For a relatively young language, Ruby gets a lot of mileage, from consumer-facing apps like Twitter to dev-centric sites such as GitHub. In addition to these IDEs, also check out Ruby In Steel, a Ruby tool for Visual Studio, and Heroku, the so-hot-right-now PaaS for Ruby apps.

RubyMinePrice: $99 (commercial license)

RedcarPrice: FREE (and still under development)

RadRailsPrice: FREE

Use What You Love, Love What You Use

Best Ide For Ruby Mac

Finally, after scores of links and a huges recommendations are just highly subjective suggestions.

We wish you well, and happy coding!

Disclosure: The author of this post uses gEdit, Notepad, NetBeans, JCreator, and a magnetic needle and a steady hand.

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The Web Development Series is supported by Rackspace, the better way to do hosting. No more worrying about web hosting uptime. No more spending your time, energy and resources trying to stay on top of things like patching, updating, monitoring, backing up data and the like. Learn why.

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